By the grace of our Divine Mother Shri Mataji, I am pleased to inform you that last Tuesday, September 3rd, the defence of the Doctoral Thesis entitled “Functional and Structural MRI Analysis of the Brain Effects of Sahaja Yoga Meditation” took place. The event was presented in the lecture hall of the School of Engineering and Technology of the University of La Laguna (ULL) in Tenerife, Spain.
Brief summary of the thesis:
The author Óscar Pérez worked for 4 years to complete this doctoral thesis under the coordination of professors Sergio Elías Hernández Alonso from the ULL and Alfonso Barros Loscertales from the Jaume I University of Castellón.
The presentation and thesis report were evaluated by a jury composed of 3 professors: Professor Lejla Colij from the University of Jena, Germany; Professor María Picó, from the Jaume I University of Castellón; and Professor Leopoldo Acosta, from ULL. This panel awarded the thesis with outstanding cum laude.