The Discovery of Sahaja Yoga

H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi discovered this process of Kundalini Awakening called Self-Realisation on 5th May 1970 and has since given Self-Realisation to seekers all around the world. The Kundalini Awakening through Sahaja Yoga Meditation changed the lives of millions of people all over the world as she traveled across continents to ensure seekers all over the world get their Self-Realisation. Sahaja Yoga started with H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi spending Her own money and by selling Her precious jewellery and dedicated Herself for the evolution of mankind. It was Her perseverance and dedication to the cause of evolution of mankind that today Her disciples are in almost every large city across all major countries. She believed that the kundalini power once awakened within the seeker has the potential to resolve all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Seekers who received their Self Realisation felt the cool breeze (vibrations) on their palm and above the head thus scientifically feeling the Kundalini movement within the seeker. Self Realisation has always been the ultimate goal of all religions and spiritual traditions and has been described differently in various religions.
H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi said that while in Nargol, on 5 May 1970, she witnessed the rising of the Primordial Kundalini within Herself. Later she described the experience as follows: “I saw my Kundalini rising very fast like a telescope opening out and it was a beautiful color that you see when the iron is heated up, a red rose color, but extremely cooling and soothing”. She stated that the potential for all humanity to gain spiritual self-awareness was realised at this time, which H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi characterised as a “historical process of en-masse self-realisation and inner transformation”. Soon after She founded Sahaja Yoga to provide seekers their Self Realisation.
The Declaration of AdiShakti

In 1972 H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi sailed to the US and warned against false gurus. Later She publicly fearlessly criticised the false gurus in Her various lectures saving mankind from the trap of kugurus who were taking advantage of the innocent seekers of truth. In 1974, She moved to London with her husband and worked with seven London hippies who became the first Western Sahaja Yogis. In 1979 H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi declared Herself to be the complete incarnation of the AdiShakti (Primordial Power), The Holy Spirit, Maitreya or Mahdi to her devotees as prophesied by earlier incarnations of various religion. She continued to shower Her motherly love through Her compassionate personality and blessed the seekers with their Self-Realisation by awakening their Kundalini.In 1980 H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi first toured Europe spreading Sahaja Yoga and in 1981 she toured Malaysia, Australia and North America – many other countries were to follow. In 1989, after the lifting of the Iron Curtain, H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi visited Russia, countries in erstwhile USSR and Eastern Europe where Sahaja Yoga spread quickly.
In 1993 at St. Peterburg, Russia the Petrovskaya Academy of Art and Science appointed Her as Honorary Member for discovering Self-Realisation and offering this free of cost to millions of people in Russia thus helping the citizens in maintaining good health and spiritual wellbeing. In 1995, H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was invited for speech at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. In 1997 Claes Nobel, the founder of United Earth, spoke in strong support of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga which he described as a reference point for determining right from wrong. He said he was very comfortable with Shri Mataji and Her teachings quoting “you shall know the tree by its fruit” and described Sahaja Yogis as ambassadors for the earth.