1. Pingala Nadi
What is an energy channel (nadi)?
The Right Channel - Pingala Nadi
Your right energy channel (Pingala nadi), also called the sun channel, begins at your Swadisthan chakra and travels up the right side of your body, terminating in the ego area of the brain. The ego is the area of your brain that gives you a sense of individualism and self, as distinct from others. It is the ego that allows you to relate to yourself as “me” or “I.”
2. Ida Nadi
The Left Channel - Ida Nadi
3. Sushumna Nadi
The Central Channel - Sushumna Nadi
Your central energy channel (Sushumna nadi), also called the middle path, travels from the sacrum bone at the base of your spine (where your Kundalini energy resides) straight up your spine towards the Sahastrara chakra. Your central energy channel is the channel that aids your spiritual growth. In fact, we’d say that you’ve been drawn to Sahaja Yoga because of the strength of your central channel. The central energy channel can be used to help you evolve continuously into an improved personality with an increased focus on the subtler aspects of life.